Subject : Report of humanitarian work and outreaches in East Africa.


Thanks so much for your time and interest in our humanitarian work in Tanzania, and East Africa. We are so grateful to you and the Grace Foundations interest in helping facilitate the building of homes for Aids/HIV orphans. As you know the need for homes for the Aids orphans in tremendous. Currently it is conservatively estimated that approximately 3 of 10 individuals in the nation of Tanzania are infected with the Aids/HIV virus. Treatment is very difficult and many times hard to obtain, as a result many die.

The consequences are that since the early 1980's tens of thousands of people have died from this vicious killer resulting in a very real crisis for the children. Thousands of precious kids are left in desperate conditions because of the death of both parents. Since we have been traveling to East Africa over the last five and one half years we have been moved with compassion for these homeless, and in many cases hopeless young victims.

In 2004 we began to work to construct homes for the Aids orphans in the city of Mwanza. Mwanza is the second largest city in the nation of Tanzania, with an estimated 2.4 million residents. The city is struggling to cope with the thousands of Aids orphans found there. On February 22, 2006 I was invited to meet with the mayor of Mwanza. The City Director, Paul L. Baruti, encouraged us to continue to build homes for the thousands of children in the city. He told us that the government is simply not able to cope with the numbers of orphans, and meet their needs. Also present at the meeting was the city council member and city HIV/Aids control coordinator, D.P. Mkama, and council member Emmanuel Kalobelo.

These men all encouraged us to continue to help the city to build homes for the orphan children, and have pledged to help up to find suitable property for the homes. Already these meetings are bearing fruit. The council ordered the Mwanza City engineer to help our African Representative, Reverend Zenioubus Isaya, to locate a suitable section of land for our second home. We have been given the approval to purchase a large parcel of level ground near the city center close to a large park in Mwanza. The property is now being surveyed and consists of four acres of level land with access to the city water supply.

We are in the process of purchasing this property for 3,900,600 Tanzania shillings, or $3300 U.S. dollars. We have a sponsor who will help with the cost of the construction. King of Glory Ministries also works in partnership with World Orphans fund, and Uganda Orphans fund for construction of the "shell" of our homes. However, we have many partners who help care for the children?s daily needs including, but are not limited to the Jim Gochenour Foundation, and several ministries in America, Canada and Great Britain.

We are excited about the prospects that the future holds for this important outreach ministry. We hope to continue building homes for Aids/HIV orphans. With the help of The Grace Foundation we hope to begin to expand our vision to help the thousands of homeless, and hopeless children in East Africa.

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King of Glory Ministries International is a tax exempt ministry recognized by the Federal Government as a 501-C3 organization. As such donations to our ministry are tax exempt. We have established two separate banking accounts for the ministry. One holds funds for our orphanage projects which is called the King of Glory Ministries International Orphans Fund. The second account is used for our other outreach ministry, ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ through large crusade meetings, and is called the King of Glory Ministries International General Funds Account.

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Our mission is to share the Gospel in every major city in Tanzania. In the last 18 months we have held meetings in three major cities in the nation. We believe that the Gospel should not be in word alone and to that end we are working to build

a home for Aids/HIV orphans in each city we visit to preach the Gospel. Our target is to build two homes in Tanzania per year, ( we prefer to call them homes and not orphanages).

Currently we have completed about 75% of our flagship home in Llemelua, located near Mwanza. It is called the King of Glory Mount Zion Home. We now have 22 children living in the home. We have beds and rooms prepared to receive 12 more children. However, we are unable to fill these places because of lack of funds and child sponsors. The first section is able to hold up to 50 children when complete. The Mount Zion Home will be able to hold up to 100 children upon completion of the second phase.

Currently the Department of Health, and the Department of Social Services which oversees children?s homes are requiring us to implement structural improvements that have hindered us from completing the construction of the second section. At this time there is a great drought and famine in the nation of Tanzania along with a shortage of cement. The result of this is that costs for construction and food have drastically increased. A 40 pound bag of cement that costs about 3 U.S. dollars in America, sells for 12-14 U.S. dollars in Tanzania depending upon supply. The cost of food has increased by up to 300% in the last 90 days, ( See attached Newspaper clipping).

These two government agencies are requiring us to install ceiling board in all rooms, build two outdoor latrines, and plaster the exterior of the home. The cost for these improvements will be an estimated $ 7500 U.S. Currently the balance in our Orphanage Fund is $264.36. We have just wired $1017 to the home which will pay to feed the children, ( $ 800 U.S. for food [ up from $ 375 just 60 days ago] and $217 for medical and emergency needs), for an estimated 30 days.

Therefore, until we are able to complete these required improvements we will not be able to help any more Aids/HIV orphans. We have already completed the construction of the foundation, and paid to have 4000 large cement blocks hand made to complete the second section. Funds are also needed to build entry doors, interior doors, windows, and shutters, entrance steps, purchase timbers for the roof joists, and an additional 40 sheets of corrugated tin for the roof, ( we have 29 on hand). Of course we will also need to purchase dozens of bags of costly cement, to mortar the bricks, and plaster the interior and exterior walls. We will also need to purchase 72 beds with linens at $50 per child, or $3600. Plus we will need to pay the workers for each of these jobs.

The Mount Zion Home is 100' Long, and 45' wide, with the West end having a 20' by 45' section added for the Coordinator and office space. ( See the attached photos). The total of the cost to finish this first project with furnishings is estimated to be only about $13,600 U.S., including government required improvements, and the furnishings for the children. This first home is much larger than the subsequent homes that we are planning to build. However, we believe that this first home was to be a landmark home. Truly it has created a great impact in that section of Mwanza where it can be seen from miles away.

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We now have a much better understanding of the process and requirements for building children?s homes. The homes we construct in the future will be smaller with the ability to hold 35 to 40 children. Each home will be 28' wide and 30' long consisting of six 12' X 12' rooms. Each home will have a exterior kitchen and latrines. Each home will be equipped with up to three double beds per room and one room will be designated for office space, as required by the government, and one room will be designated as a secure storage area.

Our African Coordinator will oversee the construction process. This always begins by verifying that the land is owned by the church and that the church has a "free and clear" title to the land. All homes will be build of masonry construction, with tin roofs, and concrete floors and walls, as is the custom in the nation. Our Coordinator, Reverend Zenoiubus Isaya, (who we have been in relationship for five years), will hire sub contractors to complete each step of the construction process, and work with the host pastors on each home. In this manner we will be able to build the homes in the most cost effective way.

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Construction of the shell of the building,

(foundation, concrete floor, walls, windows, and roof) ................................................ $15,000

Construction of windows, doors, and beds ................................................................. $4,000

Required cabinets, plaster, painting, etc ..................................................................... $3,500

Total Estimated Cost Per Home = $22,500

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We have plans to construct homes in several areas of Mwanza, totaling six. These homes will be constructed over the next 3 to 5 years. Each of these homes will be build in cooperation with a local host church. All homes will be built on land that is owned by a host church, and as such will become the property of the host church. King of Glory Ministries International and our partners will have no ownership of the structures nor property. We will simply be sowing into the nation, churches, and orphans lives in this way.

We look for pastors in Africa who are actively involved with helping Aids/HIV orphans now. Then we come along side of them in partnership. Pastor David Mbdago, who is the host of the Mount Zion Orphanage Home was helping many orphans in his village. He had seven orphans living in his home before we began to help him. On past ministry trips into Tanzania we have targeted areas and ministries that are already working to help the Aids orphans and are hoping to begin to build homes in several cities.

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1. Mwanza. We plan on working with Philadelphia Gospel Assembly to host a second home on the property mentioned earlier. The church will hold the title to the land and the structure, and will work to oversee for the care of the children. This home will follow the model mentioned about and rescue up to 40 children. Estimated Cost $ 22,500

2. Bukoba City. We plan to work with Bishop Chacha, Church of Christ to host a third home on the property owned by the ministry. The church already holds the title to the land and the structure, and will work to oversee for the care of the children. This home will follow the model mentioned about and rescue up to 40 children. Estimated Cost $ 22,500

3. Dodoma. We plan to work with Bishop Musinga of the Gospel Assemble to host a fourth home on the property owned by the ministry. The church already holds the title to the land and the structure, and will work to oversee for the care of the children. This home will follow the model mentioned about and rescue up to 40 children. Estimated Cost $ 22,500

Our desire is to continue to build two homes per year based upon the model outlined above. We have future plans to build and additional two homes in the city of Mwanza to make four in that large city. We are also looking at the possibilities of homes in the cities of Arusha, and Dar Es Salaam where we have ministry contacts.

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Once the children are rescued and placed into one of the homes that we are building it becomes necessary to care for them. On my recent trip to Mwanza I was able to investigate the needs of an individual child. The government requires each home to provide certain care for each child. These include proper diet, health care, on site medical supplies, a locker for personal belongings, payment of school fees, clothing, and personal necessities. With the recent dramatic increase in the price of food and fuel oil Tanzania has experienced a surge of inflation. Currently to meet the needs of a single child costs about 70,500 Shillings per month, or about $ 60 U.S. dollars. These funds help to pay for: cost of matrons, fuel and electric bills of each home, three meals per day, basic supplies at the homes, school fees, uniforms, supplies, shoes, trips to the health care provider every 90 days as required by the Department of Social services.

An average home with 40 children will cost an estimated $2500 to operate per month in order to meet the requirements as set forth by the Tanzania Department of Social Services. Once all of the construction and basic furnishing are in place it will cost an estimated $ 30,000 per year to maintain each home.

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We have already begun to help the children to become productive members of society at our Mount Zion home. Some of our "projects" include: Raising goats and chickens to use the milk and sell the eggs. We will begin to purchase fish and

sell them to the local market. The girls will be trained to be seamstress?s after we purchase a set of sewing machines for the home. The boys who would like to learn a trade will be sent to a local vocational school to learn a trade. We will begin to plant and harvest crops on available land.

In this way the homes can begin to become some what self sufficient. The goal is to train the children in a vocation, and to raise them in the admonition of the Lord. Currently we are giving care to children from 2 to 15 years old. By the time aa child reaches 18 years old we plan to have them trained and equipped to leave the home and enter society as a healthy and productive adult.

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King of Glory Ministries International is also called to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ according to Isaiah 61:1. Each year we organize two large out door Gospel crusades in Tanzania, and East Africa. In 2006 we will also travel to India to hold a large crusade meetings. In the last 18 months we have been privileged to lead over 18,000 individuals to Christ Jesus as Savior. These crusades generally cost $12,000 to $36,000.

Currently we have a need for funds for our June Tanzania Crusade, and our November India Crusade. These two sets of crusade meetings could see as many as 100,000 hear the Gospel, and up to 40,000 or more salvations. Currently we are in need of $18,000 for the Africa crusade. We need $ 8,000 for our India crusade, and an additional $ 3,000 to take the gospel into the nation of Estonia in the former Soviet Union, for a total budget of $29,000 for 2006.

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In conclusion King of Glory Ministries International is working " hands on" in the harvest field of Tanzania. Our current humanitarian projects for 2006 have a projected budget of $36,100 needed for construction . This amount will finalize the construction of the Mount Zion Home, and will fund the building of a second homes "shell". Both of these homes are in Mwanza. Our outreach ministry is presently in need of $ 29,000 to conduct Gospel meetings in three nations in 2006. Last year we raised and invested $ 47,000 for the orphanage projects, and an additional $ 42,000 in our out reach ministry.

In June we will travel to Dodoma and minister in our second large crusade for 2006. At that time we will evaluate the possibilities of building a children?s home in that city. We are currently ready to begin building a children?s home in the city of Bukoba and have established that the ministry there has "free and clear" title to land. The estimated funds to build the shells of these two homes will be $45,000. It is our hope to start these projects in late 2006 depending upon funding.

Once each home has been build, furnished, and dressed out the cost to maintain them will continue to increase as we add more homes and rescue more orphans. When the Mount Zion home is complete it will cost an estimated $720 dollars to maintain each child per year. Currently we have some financial partners who sponsor children, but we need help. As mentioned earlier, we could place 12 more children in the home today, however we do not have sponsors nor funds for them.

Certainly King of Glory Ministries International would greatly appreciate any financial help from The Grace Foundation. All the funds that have been used for the construction of this first home has come from ministry partners, and from offerings that we take as itinerant ministers. Kathy and I have not taken any salary from the ministry since it?s inception in 2003. We use all funds to underwrite the cost of our Gospel out reach ministry and for the construction of these homes. Last year we invested about $47,000 in the construction of children?s homes, ( we partner with other ministries in Africa ), and the care and provision of the orphans in the city of Mwanza, Tanzania.


Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you desire, or need further clarification, or information please feel free to contact us at your convenience. James 1: 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

May the Lord richly bless you,

Kevin & Kathy Basconi

King of Glory Ministries International