July 28 ~ Love Covers
Cornerstone Scripture: 1Peter 4: 8; Above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins."
Gossip. I don’t like it and it seems that the Lord not only does not appreciate it but He hates it (Proverbs 6:16-19)! By the grace of God I have lived in small towns and in large metropolitan cities. It seems that gossip is everywhere just like a nasty fungus. The Lord has opened doors for me to stand before important men and women in the Body of Christ. I have learned a lot from them. The way that I have learned the most valuable lessons is by listening and observing instead of speaking and boasting. Yes, in this way I have learned what “not to do”. How can we call ourselves children of God yet, slander those who are our brothers and peers in Christ? You see gossip is like tasty morsels of food. Gossip goes down into your spirit and corrupts your soul. It makes you sick. It is the source of many kinds of digestive and stomach problems. Jesus taught us saying; "Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man (Matthew 15:17-18).
Love covers a multitude of sins. Love does not repeat a matter. You should not speak or repeat a matter that will cause anyone harm in any way. It is best to cover those tidbits of gossip that you may hear. How, you may ask. The most important way is to refuse to repeat gossip. In this way you are not operating in the spirit of the accuser of the brethren. Another important way is enforce your spiritual boundaries. Simply refuse to listen to those around you who gossip, murmur, and complain. Separate yourself from them. Why? Because when you listen to gossip you are culpable in it. The words you hear are tasty but they go down into your spirit and defile you. Gossip will make you sick, spirit, soul, and body. Put your hand up and tell the gossip to stop. Draw a healthy boundary, and refuse to listen to gossip. Refuse to allow gossip and evil speaking to corrupt and defile you.
Here is something to think about. When you associate with those people (and well-meaning lovely Christian people they might be) and you listen to them gossip, you are opening yourself up to that spirit. Rest assured that if they are gossiping about people that you know then they are also gossiping about you too. Enforce your spiritual boundaries. Proverbs teaches us in chapter 10, verse 12 that; Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Do not repeat a matter. Cover it. Cover it with prayer and intercession. Pray for the people who gossip and those who are affected by the words of their gossip because love covers a multitude of sins.
Let the words of your mouth bring edification and encouragement. Speak in love seasoned with wisdom even to those who are speaking terrible and hurtful things (gossip) about you and those whom you love. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, these are the things which defile a man.” The truth is that people are murdered by gossip. This is a serious business. “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things. Speak on these things and abstain from evert form of evil speaking. Do not listen to it and do not engage in evil speaking, so not repeat a juicy matter. By abstaining from gossip and evil speaking you will cover the sins of others and will cultivate the grace of God within your life.
Declaration: Father, please help me to let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight. I ask You today Lord, to put a guard about my heart and my mouth and help me to refrain from speaking evil. Lord I ask that You alert me if I am engaging in gossip or evil speaking. Father, I ask You that the precious Holy Spirit will help me to season my speech with grace and love. Whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, and whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy. Today I choose to meditate on these things good things. Lord, help me to speak on these things, guide me and teach me. In the name of Jesus I decree this today, amen.
This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for
King of Glory Ministries International,
PO Box 903, Moravian Falls, NC 28654.
kingofgloryministries.org -336-818-1210.
This article was taken from Kevin Basconi’s forth coming book:
365 Word Decrees that Will Revolutionize Your Life
To see Kevin’s other resources click HERE.
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