The Testimony of Jesus – Part One
Revelation 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. I sense that the Lord wants me to share a few testimonies with you. My testimonies are not so much “then” but more “now” and “to come.” I believe as I share with you, these testimonies can be prophetic promises for you. Just purpose in your heart to believe and receive from the Holy Spirit as you read. The reason I know this is true is because over the years we have seen many people activated into the seer realms just as I have shared these testimonies about how God opened up my eyes to see into the spiritual dimension or the heavenly places.
The Creator and The creature
God created the heavens and the earth. We are spiritual beings on a terrestrial or earthly realm. But, really, our true nature is spiritual. God the Creator created us in His image so we have a spirit, a soul, and a body. The issue is that we are no longer able to discern or to see the dimension or heavenly places that God created for us. But we can learn.
I am a Cherokee Indian. There are those that believe that the Cherokees have a special DNA for prophecy and for visions. I’m not sure if that’s true. But I do know even since I was a young child, before I ever knew Jesus, I had prophetic experiences—dreams and trances and visions and saw in the spiritual realm. Of course, I didn’t understand those supernatural encounters.
As I grew and became older, I began to get involved in an unholy lifestyle and spent thirty-one years running from God. As a small boy I had a visitation of Jesus; He appeared to me. I saw the Lord Jesus on the cross when I was about three years old, and I knew that Jesus Christ is Lord. When I was about eleven years old someone I trusted introduced me to marijuana. It put me on a path of drug addiction that lasted for thirty-one years. (Let me tell you something; marijuana is a dangerous drug, even though it may be “legal” in some areas now. Yes, weed “has some medicinal purposes” (some scientists said the same thing about LSD, cocaine, and heroin). So for thirty-one years I had this terrible lifestyle of addiction I would cycle through. I have been involved in terrible things: sexual immorality, fornication, and all sorts of ungodly behavior. I praise God that my Redeemer lives and He sets the captives free today just like He did 2016 years ago. Thank god He set me free and He can set you free too!
hell or Jail
But on February 25, 2001, I hit a place where I was basically in the street. I knew that if I didn’t change there were only two options for me: hell or jail. In fact, one time before this day I actually overdosed on drugs and I was lying on the floor. I was dying. My spirit came out of my body and hovered above my prostrate body about forty-five feet. I saw my body lying on the floor with blood coming out, and I knew I was dead. My spirit was out of my body.
I looked down and saw my body bleeding on the floor, and at that moment a demon stepped into the room and called me by my name. He said, “Kenneth, I’ve come for you.” I knew that wasn’t a good thing. I think it was literally what we call the grim reaper. And I knew in that moment that I was going to hell. (I have a short message for you: heaven good, hell bad; don’t go there.) At that moment I knew I was going to hell; but from somewhere deep in my spirit, one word came out: Jesus! And when I just thought the name of Jesus, my spirit went back into my body. Thank You, Jesus!
You would think that a near death experience like that would be enough to bring somebody around; but people who struggle with addiction know sometimes it’s not, is it? So that addiction, that draw, those demonic beings associated with drug addiction, are so strong it took several years until February 25, 2001, when I fell down at an altar and received Jesus as my Savior. And God instantly changed my life. I had a drug habit of about $200 a day or so—some days more, some days less. I wasn’t proud of the way I was living. I knew I wasn’t called to be a drug addict; you just sometimes end up there.
I want to prophesy over someone reading this right now: You’ve got some children or some grandchildren who are struggling with the same thing. Maybe you are battling addiction or some other addictive behavior. Never give up. Never stop praying. Never stop praying for your loved ones. I know it was the prayers of my grandmother, Lula May Thornton, when she held me up as a small child and declared God’s destiny over my life (I saw it in a vision years later), that was the thing that kept me from dying that day when I was bleeding out on the floor. That was the thing that drew me into Jesus. Of course, it was the Holy Spirit. But your prayers, saints, are powerful. Hallelujah! So, never give up and never stop interceding and praying for you family who are lost.
God’s going to begin to raise up some of the most unlikely people. They are not going to look what we expect in the Body of Christ. Some of them are going to be a little unusual. Some of them aren’t going to smell good. God is going to supernaturally save them and draw them into His Kingdom, open them up to the seer dimensions, and they are going to be able to walk in great power and great authority. If some of them walked into some of the local churches, they might not be welcome. Some of the ones God is going to bring in are not going to fit into our paradigm. These overcomers may have tattoos, dreadlocks, and funny teeth. They may smell like Moses in the desert.
So, when I rose up from that altar after praying what the church calls the “sinners prayer” something was different. I was instantaneously delivered from the drugs. Praise God!
The Office of a Son or Daughter
The greatest testimony in the Kingdom of God, in my opinion, is not a testimony like mine; but, for example, a testimony of someone who has served God since they were a small child. If this is you, I would encourage you to receive this prophetic word: To you I prophesy you will continue to serve God even when you are older. I see you preaching the Gospel to the nations and I see God using you to stretch forth your hand in the name of Jesus with mighty miracles, signs, and wonders. I just prophesy destiny over you that God will raise you up to be a soul winner. Hallelujah! You will not have so much an office like Ephesians 4, a titled office, but you are going to be a son; you are going to have an intimacy, a relationship with Father; you are going to be a son. You are a son or daughter of supernatural destiny.
Did you know you can appropriate prophetic words? You see, when a prophetic word is spoken, when the true breath or rhema of God, when the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon a prophetic word; as it is released into the atmosphere if it resonates with your spirit, you can have it. That’s how I get most of my prophetic words. I really don’t want the “prophets” to speak an inspired utterance over me because there is a responsibility that comes with it. I’ve got plenty on my plate right now. But sometimes it’s good to get a prophetic word decreed over you.
Encounters In the Kingdom
So, this launched me into a season where I began to have encounters with the Kingdom. I began to seek God because (hear my heart, I’m not trying to be judgmental) what I was seeing in the church was not pretty. And I thought, “Well, if God, if this Jesus is like these people I see in the church where most of them are unkind, they’re unfriendly, they’re hypocrites, I just don’t want to be like that.” So I began to pray what I call a dangerous prayer.
Somebody gave me an old King James Bible. That Bible has been with me all over the world. I love that Bible. Though it is actually just fake leather and paper it is really special to me. I would read in there about this dude named Saul. I saw that Jesus appeared to him on this road. He was on a horse, and the power of God came in such a way that a blinding light appeared and knocked him off his horse. He had to get up out of the gravel. He couldn’t see because scales were on his eyes. They had to lead him by the hand. This guy named Ananias had to come and lay hands on him that he might be filled with the Spirit. Hallelujah! (See Acts 9:1-18.)
I said,
God, if You are real, that’s what I want! I want to be like that dude Saul. I want some dude named Ananias to come and lay hands on me so the scales will fall off of my eyes. I don’t want to be a part of this stuff if it is just religion. If You are real, I want You to reveal Yourself to me.
I began to fast and pray and prayed that prayer consistently. It’s a dangerous prayer. Later on God began to open up the door for me for evangelism in my home city. This is in Acts 1:8 where Jesus says we will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Some of us haven’t fulfilled the destinies in our lives because we haven’t done the first things first. One of the first people that God sent me to evangelize was someone in my own house—my mother. When she was eighty-one years old, I led her to Jesus. When my wife’s mother, Terry was eighty-two years old I led her to Jesus. I give Him the glory. But you have to do the first things first. It’s wonderful to hear all these powerful testimonies by well-known men of God about some of the things God does, but sometimes you need to do the first things first. You need to look at your own heart; you need to look at your own family; you need to do the things the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Jerusalem is your sphere of influence, and you’ve got to expand your sphere of influence. Judea is forty miles further and Samaria is another forty miles further; then to the ends of the earth, but it always starts at home.
Encountering Jabez
Rules are made to manage the exceptions. But I was obedient. I just kept praying this dangerous prayer; and then I got ahold of this thing called the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10:
Oh, [Lord,] that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!
God began to tell me to speak this word over my life. (I wrote a little book about that, 31 Word Decrees That Will Revolutionize Your Life. All of these decrees are in there that you can pray each day. To order this amazing little book in digital format click HERE), And what happened is that God began to do it. He began to expand territory, a little upon a little. God used these decrees to transform my life. I was faithful with little things. God took me from hopelessness to hope, from poverty to prosperity, from sickness to health. I was faithful to reach out in my hometown. I didn’t have a church that supported me, but I had the word of the Lord.
When that happened was on March 13, 2001. By the grace of God, my brother was allowing me to sleep on his couch. Otherwise I don’t know where I would have been. I was still suffering from the aftereffects and the consequences of my sinful lifestyle—a herniated disc in my back, deafness in my ears from playing in rock bands, blood disease from being a drug addict. I kept reading all these promises from the word of God about how I was going to prosper and be in health (3 John 1:2), but I wasn’t seeing it. So I started getting in God’s face. I said, “Lord, Your word says…” Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Begin to remind Me of My promises to you.” I didn’t even know it was scripture; it’s in Isaiah 43:26. He continued, “…that we might contend together, that you might be acquitted: and I will heal you.”
And so I was doing all these things, I was seeking God; but I wasn’t getting any breakthrough. Then God began to speak to me; first, through nature, about which I detail in some of my books. On March 13, 2001, I was sleeping on the couch at my brother’s house. I woke up to smell this wonderful fragrance I had never smelled before; it was like roses and cinnamon and honey. (Today I know it as the fragrance of the Lord.) And the Lord spoke to me, I believe it was an audible voice, and He gave me direction for evangelism in my home city (my Jerusalem). There were angels in the room; I knew that, although I didn’t see them.
And as I was obedient to the things the Lord had spoken to me and instructed me to do on that day, I began to see God do amazing things in my life. (I’m not going to go into it now; but you can read about it in detail in the Seer Anointing trilogy.) And God began to open up doors for me after I was faithful to reach out to the young people in my city. By the grace of God we saw 128 young people under the age of eighteen pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior within 128 days or so if my memory is correct (sometimes I forget details of all of the miraculous things God does).
So during that assignment everything I prayed for happened instantaneously during that season. It was amazing! You know, there is still grace on my prayer life; I give God glory for that. This article and this message was birthed through prayers; birthed through intercession; birthed through the word of the Lord. I thank God for that. God wants you to pray effectively. Part of that is to understand, to hear, and to see what’s happening in heavenly places and decree it—not upon earth up to heaven but decree it from heaven down upon the earth. We’ll talk more about that later.
So God began to speak to me. One of the things He told me to do was to go to Newfoundland. By now it was November, and in Newfoundland it is a little colder than where I lived.
I had been getting persecuted in the church because I had been leading people to Jesus. (Selah). In fact, I had visions in my prayer room, and I would see like a hospital room. And the Lord would speak to me in a vision and I would see the door number, like 326. I would ask, “Lord, what’s that?” He would say, “That’s a hospital room,” and He would name the hospital. Then I would have another vision, such as a woman lying there with a broken leg with four women around the bed. The Holy Spirit would say, “If you will go there and pray for them, I will miraculously heal her leg and all five of the women there will be saved.” (Yes, the precious Holy Spirit can speak to you about saving folks). So I would go to the hospital, would go to the door 326, and I would open the door up; and there was the woman with the broken leg, and the others standing around her bed just like I saw in the vision earlier. I prayed for her, she was miraculously healed, and all five women then received Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah, and burst out crying. I just turned around and walk out praising God myself. I never told my name.
You see, God began to teach me line upon line, precept upon precept about the seer operation. I didn’t know what it was. The church was upset with me because I was going out on the street and leading people to Jesus. I was going into the hospital and praying and people were being healed and saved.
To continue reading this article go to part two.
This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for
King of Glory Ministries International
PO Box 903, Moravian Falls, NC 28654. -336-818-1210.
This article is taken from Kevin’s upcoming book
Visitations of Angels and Other Supernatural Experiences Volume #3; Heaven
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