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A Word for Yom Kippur - The Glory Train Prophecy for 5777By Kevin Basconi

A Word for Yom Kippur 

The Glory Train Prophecy for 5777

By Kevin Basconi

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible.

I had a supernatural encounter on September 27 when the Lord began to speak to me about this year—5777—which began Sunday night (October 2, 2016) when Rosh Hashanah actually began. It’s the head of the year 5777, a year of perfection or completion. 5777 will also be a special supernatural year of jubilee for those who are positioned to receive it.

In the dream I experienced on the 27th of September, an angel of the Lord appeared to me in my little prayer room up in the Cherokee National Forest and began to speak to me. Through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I began to get revelation about what God is going to do this year for His people. It has to do with the Glory Train.

During this visionary experience (dream or vision of the night, if you will), I saw an angel who was the conductor of the Glory Train. During this experience the Holy Spirit revealed to me seven different cars on the glory train. The first car was redemption, the second car was glory, and the third car was grace and glory, the forth car was greater glory. I want to focus on the third car because I believe that is what God wants to do in the nation of America. It’s going to be a time of grace and glory for America.

I have been studying the scriptures in the Old Testament of the times, like during the reign of King Hezekiah, when it seemed like it was going to be impossible for the nation of Israel to even survive. God came through with grace and glory and gave them great victories. I believe what God did for the nation of Israel, God can do for America this year. This dynamic will be accelerated when America begins to fully support the sovereignty of Israel and the integrity of the Holy Land.  When the Glory Train begins to roll through America, what we are going to see is God’s grace and God’s glory begin to rise up upon God’s people when God’s people take their proper place in this nation. We read about this supernatural dynamic in Psalm 84:11:

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.

A Year of God’s Grace and Glory

I believe we are coming into a season in 5777 for grace and glory to rest upon you as an individual and everyone in your sphere of influence. So look for it; call it forth; decree it. According to Romans 4:17, call those things that are not as though they are. Last year was the shemitah year and we saw the blood moons coinciding with some of the major Jewish feasts and holidays. Some people were prophesying horrendous and dreadful things were going to happen. I didn’t prophesy or preach any of that negative and fear based type of hype. My declaration was 5776 could be the most fruitful and prosperous times of your life. Guess what happened last year? Last year was the most fruitful and prosperous times of my life. It was the most fruitful and prosperous of the ministry.

Let me say that the grace and glory of God can rest upon you in 5777, and this year can be the most fruitful and prosperous times of your life and of your ministry. You just need to get on board the Glory Train. Just purpose in your heart and believe to receive.

The fifth car on the Glory Train was heavenly glory. The sixth car was family or household salvation. I believe there are going to be outpourings of God’s glory in places that people would least expect it—places like Charlotte, St. Louis, New York, and other areas (great and small)—where the glory of God is going to manifest and unusual manifestations of the Kingdom are going to happen. People are going to say, “God is in that place!” People are going to be drawn in by the Spirit of God and by the glory of God; and in these sudden outpourings of God’s glory, revival will happen. By the way, revival is not what you may think it is, (Selah), because you are the revival! Look for unusual revivals to break out in America in 5777.

The seventh car I saw was called praise. And I believe as we learn to praise God with all of our hearts this year, as we come together and praise God, He is going to pour out the anointing of Isaiah 61. Many of us at this time have people in our families and our sphere of influence who are mourning the loss of different things. But I believe that this year God is going to pour out the anointing, the glory if you will, and the power of the Holy Spirit of Isaiah 61. Let’s look at verse 1:

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me…


Yes, this is a messianic prophecy; yes, this points to Jesus. But it also points to you because God has anointed me and you; YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING THAT JESUS CHRIST SAID YOU CAN DO, NOW!

 (Continuing verse 1 and the beginning of verse 2:

…To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord…

It’s The Year of Jubilee

Do you know what that is? It’s the year of jubilee. I believe that 5777 will be a year of jubilee. 5777 is going to be a year of grace, glory, and favor for those who can believe to receive it. It’s going to be a year of restoration. It’s going to be a year of redemption; that’s why the first car on the Glory Train was redemption. God is going to redeem for you the things the enemy has stolen. The word of God teaches about this supernatural restoration and redemption in Malachi 3 and Joel 2; the things you have lost, God wants to restore to you supernaturally when we become obedient to sow into the Kingdom of Heaven at God’s appointed times.  

Malachi 3: 10-12; Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.  "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the LORD of hosts; "And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land," Says the LORD of hosts.


This passage defines jubilee, it defines 5777.

Joel 2: 24-26;  The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, And the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame.


This passage defines God’s redemption in 5777.

These two passages illustrate the nature of God’s redemption for individuals, cities, states, nations and yes, even the whole planet Earth. They define the possibility jubilee in your life and in your sphere of influence.

My own life bears this out: fifteen or so years ago, I was in debt, impoverished, and enslaved to drugs and alcohol. However, when I fell down at an altar and received Jesus Christ as my Savior and became hungry for the things of God. As I pursued God, He pursued me. He redeemed to me everything the devourer had stolen; everything that I had lost, God has given back to me. I lost a home; I’ve got three now. I lost a car; I’ve got several now. I could go on and on, and if I boast in anything, I boast in Jesus Christ my Redeemer who lives! You need to believe that 5777 can be a year of supernatural redemption and jubilee for you too!

God has redeemed for me everything I had lost. It is a picture of Isaiah 61, Malachi 3 and Joel 2. God wants to redeem for you everything you have lost. It could be something simple like your teeth. God wants to redeem us; part of the promise speaks of our physical well-being but part of it also speaks of our soul—our mind, our will, and our emotions. God wants to redeem everything we have lost. God wants to redeem our families. He wants to redeem you too.

I prophesy to you by the Spirit of the Lord that 5777 can be a year when your family is redeemed. Some of you have children and grandchildren and people in your sphere of influence who are not walking with God. Maybe they are living other lifestyles that you find uncomfortable; maybe they are not serving the Lord the way you would like to see them serve the Lord; maybe they are living sinful lifestyles. This can be the year, if you declare and call those things that are not as though they are, that God redeems them. This is going to be a year of household salvation. I am believing for some people in my sphere of influence to be saved too.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me “to proclaim the acceptable year of theLord” I believe this year of 5777 is an acceptable year of the Lord. It can be whatever you make it. If you make it a year of gloom and doom, it’s going to be a year of gloom and doom for you. You choose.

Supernatural Syncopation

I believe there has been a pushing back of the judgments God was preparing to release on this nation of America. I believe that America is on the cusp of the greatest outpouring of the Kingdom of God and the Spirit of God than we’ve experienced in decades. But I believe that God is looking for a people to bring it forth. He’s looking at you, because the Spirit of the Lord is upon you “to comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion” (Isaiah 61:2-3)—to bless Israel. This is a key to releasing the blessings of Isaiah 61 in your life, “To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (v. 3).

The year 5777 is going to be a year that, as we praise God with all of our hearts and all of our soul and all of our mind, we are going to be able to move heaven to earth. And as we move heaven to earth, the Kingdom of God will manifest in our lives on earth as it is in heaven. As a result we will be able to see the grace and favor of God poured out in our spheres of influence in ways we never dreamed possible (Ephesians 3:19-20).

What is the key to this? The key is understanding how to become chronologically and geographically in sync with God. We need supernatural syncopation. In other words, we need to be in the right place at the right time so that when the windows of heaven open up over our lives, we are positioned to receive the heavenly blessings that God is positioned to pour out on us at this hour. Part of that is understanding the times and seasons.

The Mantle of The Sons of Issachar

In September of 2016 on Rosh Chodesh I had an amazing supernatural encounter and angelic visitation. We were hosting an event called Heaven Touching Earth 11 near Moravian Falls, North Carolina. At 5:32 in the morning, I woke up and there were four angelic beings standing in the room. These heavenly angelic beings were accompanied by a tangible heavy, weighty glory of God which was hanging visible in the room. I asked the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, who are these guys?” I knew they were angels of the Lord. I discerned that immediately. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the sons of Issachar. I received revelation that the mantle of the sons of Issachar is being released to many of God’s children at this hour.

The mantle of the sons of Issachar cannot be earned by working for it, this supernatural anointing is a gift of grace.   The mantle or anointing of the sons of Issachar is given as the Holy Spirit wills in the grace and glory of God.

I believe that 5777 is a season when the mantle of the sons of Issachar is going to be released to the Body of Christ. What is the mantle of the sons of Issachar? They understood the times and seasons. They understood what they should do, where they should do it, when they should do it, who they should do it with, and how they should do it. It’s a supernatural grace. It is an anointing to help you discern the reality of the times and seasons of God and to get on board of His Glory Train in 5777.

You see, when you are not syncopated with God, there is no grace to do what you are doing. You can have the most wonderful idea in the world; but if it is not breathed upon by the Holy Spirit, there will be little fruit. The Lord said He wanted us to bear fruit that would remain (John 15:16). How do you do that? You become supernaturally syncopated with God. One of the ways we do that is to discern the times and seasons, such as Rosh Hashanah.

Let’s take a look at Leviticus, chapter 23. I want to look briefly at the feasts. The first fall feast is the Feast of Trumpets (Rash Hashanah/Yom Teruah). Rosh Hashanah simply means the head of the year. On the Hebraic calendar it is the New Year. Sunday, October 2, 2016, at 7 p.m. we began the year of 5777. The majority of the negative stuff that was prophesied for last year (5776) did not happen, did it? Think about that. All the negative things: America did not split in half, the economy did not collapse, the end of the world as we know it did not come to pass, and there is still sunshine and clean air. God is still on His throne. And this year (5777) can be the most fruitful year of your life if you position yourself correctly.

Concerning the feasts, Leviticus 23:23-27 tells us:

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.’” And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord. And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God.

Keep the Faith

At these appointed times of God, Yom Turah (the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), we need to make things right with God and man. I pray that you enter into this season having repented and forgiven those with whom you may have issues or offense. I pray that your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life. I believe as you position yourself chronologically, geographically, and spiritually correctly (I encourage you in this) with God that 5777 can be the most fruitful and prosperous year of your life and ministry. The key is to learn to become supernaturally syncopated with God and understand the times and seasons of the Lord at this hour.

Today, October 12, 2016 (Yom Kippor) the Lord once again visited me in a vision of the night and gave me this word for His people. It is based upon 2 Timothy 4; 7-8;

Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith.  For, there is laid up for you the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give out on that Day, given not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.


I leave you with these words:

1 Corinthians 15; 51-58; Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed--in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? "The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.


This article was written by Kevin Basconi, for

King of Glory Ministries International,

PO Box 903, Moravian Falls, NC 28654. -336-818-1210.

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