This weekend we were blessed to have our good friends Munday and Jennifer Martin join us under the big tent. God continued to move in a powerful way and we saw many Signs, wonders, miracles, & salvations.
This weekend we celebrated as 7 people responded to the message of the Gospel and experienced the saving hand ok Jesus Christ. 4 people demonstrated their covenant with the Lord through the act of baptism. A total of 23 have been saved and 23 have been baptized in the Moravian Falls.
Munday and His wife Jennifer moved in a powerful demonstration of the gift of the Word of Knowledge. As they called them out, people responded and many miracles happened as the people were blessed and encouraged. Some of these words of knowledge were specific to friends and family members of the people in the tent. We were able to call many of these people on the cell phone and these people experienced the power of God via the phone. God is releasing amazing miracles and healings under the Big Tent at the Moravian Falls Big Tent Revival! Make your plans to come and get into the presence and glory of God under the Big Tent today.
The people in the tent also received miracles as well. We had two people who had hearing issues in their right ears and both were healed. 4 people received healing as their legs grew out. One of these men had scoliosis and was able to walk pain free for the first time in many years. This man’s wife was a nurse who had known that his legs were uneven and verified that God had done a work as she watched the leg grow out and come even. Another experienced freedom from back pain and was able to bend and move as he hasn’t for years.
We also saw God healing issues in people’s mouths. One sister received a Golden crown in her mouth while another man saw a diamond form in one of his crowns.
God moved in many ways including weight loss. Monday Got a word of knowledge about super natural weight loss and 5 different people received supernatural weight loss and testified about their miracle.
In the final moments of our Sunday evening meeting, a woman came for prayer because she had cancer that had caused swelling of her lymph nodes. As Munday prayed for her the swelling went down the tumor dissolved and her lymph nodes returned to normal. Her sister, who is a nurse, checked and verified that the swelling indeed was gone. What an amazing way to cap off another amazing seeking in God’s presence under the big tent!!!
Join us next week as Katie Souza and her team minister under the Big Tent; for More Information CLICK HERE.