Dear Kevin, Kathy and King of Glory ministries,
I wanted to send a thank you from Hamilton, Canada!
I recently became aware of Kevin's books and have read the Sword of the Lord and the Rest of the Lord, the first Unlocking the Mysteries of the Seer Anointing book and the first Dancing with Angels book. These books have been incredibly timely (as our God is!), and much in them has resonated with my spirit and helped me realize that many of my experiences have been interactions with heaven that I need to fully embrace.
I especially appreciated Kevin's testimony about the importance of learning to hear from God for ourselves and these books have helped confirm much. Thank you.
I am not particularly "churched" and in fact continue to struggle to find a place in the local church and have not heard anything about eagles or the significance of eagles prior to reading these books. In January 2014 I drew a picture of an eagle in my journal, for no particular reason. On August 24, 2014 I had a vision that I was running through flames wearing a shear white flowing garment that could not be singed, and as I did so I screamed like a eagle.
Truthfully the part about screaming like an eagle scared me a bit, because why would I be doing that, and it is such an atypical strange thing to be doing in a vision/dream, I had not seen something like it before. I asked the Lord what it meant and the significance of the eagle, and now I realize it likely symbolizes seer vision or the release of seer vision. I am thankful to God for the release of "the more of the Lord" and for helping me realize what this means!
Thank you so much for your obedience and the timeliness of the release of these books for the edification, equiping and discipling of the body of Christ in this hour, I believe the Lord has prepared us to receive this. It is so awesome to be able to download this material onto my iPad and learn from teachers all over the world in my living room, this is so helpful to accelerate our learning. We live in an awesome time. Thanks again.
This is a simple testimony but I believe the transformation of us and release of this to the church is awesome and powerful, and that the transformation of our souls is mega victory!
Love and blessing from Hamilton Canada, we appreciate you!
To order the book Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing #1 click HERE .