I want to share my testimony that happened this year while live streaming the Yom Kipper message from King of Glory Ministries. I was lead to the live stream from Face Book and received so much through the spoken word at this event! At the end they began praying for the audience and Kevin had a word about teeth being healed.
He told them to keep checking and expecting the miracle. My faith was so increased and I could feel the presence of the Lord so I began going back and forth to the mirror checking. I had lots of dark algamam fillings and they looked like they were starting to turn silver. I had my husband check them and he agreed. I keep checking and they were turning more silver each time! I continue to praise the Lord for this.
I also by faith gave a offering to the ministry that night and the following week had a financial turnaround in my business. Since then I continue to see increase not just financially but in my spiritual walk as well. Doors are opening up to me that use to closed and I am experiencing breakthrough more than ever in my life. I praise the Lord for this ministry and being lead to the live stream that weekend.
God is so good!!
Kathy B