Chrissie attending our first Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today school (thanks to Todd Bentley for allowing this to happen) in Exeter, UK during November 2004. As well as being healed during the School, this testimony confirms that we can all move in a healing anointing!!
On the Tuesday night I was given two words of knowledge and a man was healed of colour blindness and focussing problems in his eyes. The other man received a significant emotional healing having been teased and bullied at school. He was released from spirits of torment and mockery. He received a wonderful Impartation of the Father's Love and acceptance.
On the Wednesday night I was asked me to pray for three older women. One had a severe back problem. I shared my testimony with her and prayed for her and the pain totally went. She said she also had arthritic knees. At that point my hands were burning hot and as I laid them on her she said it felt like fire going through her. God's fire burned up her arthritis and she was totally healed. The second lady had an arthritic arm and she was unable to lift it up or move it much. Again she was healed instantly and could raise her hand in the air. She was also released from fear and a spirit of heaviness. We prayed for healing from cancer for her and the third lady and are waiting for doctor's tests, but in the Spirit, I saw a healing, ministering angel come down and touch her. As we finally blessed all three ladies I noticed a large fleck of gold dust on the second lady's cheek - a tangible sign of her healing. God is so gracious and merciful to His children!
In my own Church on the Saturday night I prayed for a girl who has ear problems. She testified that when she went home she was able to bath and wash her hair without suffering from giddiness and sickness. Her healing continues. I suffer from a vertigo condition myself called Meniere's disease and have noticed an improvement in that as well.
I was in Church on the following Sunday morning and after the service a man said he was suffering from a chest infection. I discerned a spirit of asthma that he also had suffered from. He was released and all the pain and tightness went and his exhaustion left him. As I prayed I blew on him in the Spirit and he said it felt like a hurricane on the outside and fire on the inside.
I want to give all the honour and praise to God for these healings. We are so Blessed to be living in these last days as God pours His Spirit out in Power on the earth with Miracles, Signs and Wonders following.
Chrissie Rogers
Devon, England