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King of Glory Ministries

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dear beloved in CHRIST Greetings in the name of Jesus, our LORD and SAVIOUR I was blessed by my visit to your site today and I pray the holy spirit will be poured upon you as you touch the hearts who visit your site. YOUR SITE IS AN ANOINTMENT FROM GOD and I truly have been blessed by my visit here more than you will ever know. It is truly a blessing to visit sites that are such a blessing for a lost and dying world on the internet. We certainly need more sites as yours and others to reach the web for the Lord. IF YOU WISH TO START A MINISTRY OF YOURS IN INDIA I WILL HELP YOU . DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA TO VISIT INDIA? If so I will arrange some meetings for you. God Bless you dear servant of God and I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU. I want to know more about your Ministry. So please send some literature, Magazine, Newsletter and Books. God Bless you all. I AM EAGERLY WAITING FOR YOUR REPLY lease visit my website at www.geocities.com/goyemissions Thanking You, With Love and Prayer Your Brother in Christ P.ELANGOVAN My Postal Address P.Elangovan Go Ye Missions 209, Water Tank Road Nagercoil 629 001. India. email. [email protected]
Rev.P.Elangovan ([email protected])
Nagercoil, TN India - 10/18/03 at 17:16:02 (EST)