The book 31 Word Decrees That Can Revolutionize Your Life was birthed or "breathed into existence" by the Holy Spirit in 2011.Kevin Basconi has been speaking and decreeing God's anointed word over his life since he was saved, and immediately delivered from a lifestyle of addiction and sinful behavior. In short order the Lord transformed Kevin's life taking him from poverty to prosperity, from sickness to health, and from hopelessness to hope. In 2011 the Lord began to speak to Kevin and encouraging him to write down word decrees that the Holy Spirit was speaking into his heart and into his spirit. The Lord promised that these God breathed Word Decrees would be used by God's people to revolutionize their lives too. This amazing little book has literally gone around the world to help thousands of people revolutionize their lives too. This book has been translated into several languages and thousands upon thousands of copies have been distributed into many nations in both printed and digital formats! In December 2015 the Holy Spirit spoke to Kevin clearly encouraging him to record these same 31 Word Decrees in an audio format and to make them available to God's people to pray and agree with as they listen to them. We believe that as you listen to Kevin decree and pray these same decrees that transformed his life they can work for you as you listen to this audio book and decree and agree with these anointed word decrees. We want to encourage you to decree along this audio version of the 31 Word Decrees every day. Remember to read the book each day too and use the book as you listen to these audio decrees and this will help you to get the scriptural word decrees into your eye gates too! Play them in the car, play these scriptural word decrees while you sleep, and let them matriculate into your ear gates and deep down into your spirit! Keep listening, and decreeing until you begin to believe to receive! Listen to these decrees and pray them in agreement until you get your supernatural breakthrough too.