2016 Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural Flash Drive features 10 powerful Mp3 teachings with Pastor Alan Koch, Evangelist Christine Pruitt, Robert Ward, Kevin Basconi; plus a powerful bonus message by Bobby Merritt. Messages Include: Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-2-16 -Kevin Basconi - The Seer Realms Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-2-16 -Kevin Basconi - The Holy Spirit - The Agent of Revival Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-4-16 -Kevin Basconi - The Glory of the New Covanant and Working with God's Angels Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-5-16 -Kathy Basconi & Alan Koch- Communion - The Chambers of His Heart Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-3-16 -Pastor Alan Koch - The Holy Spirit and Healing Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-5-16 -Christine Pruitte Residual Glory Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-5-16 -Robert Ward - Quantum Entanglement #1 Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-5-16 -Robert Ward - Quantum Entanglement #2 Moravian Falls School of the Supernatural 6-5-16 -Robert Ward -Alan Koch and Kevin Basconi - Holy Spirit Activation Moravian Falls Big Tent Revival Sunday 6-12-16 - Bobby Merrit- Fleas in Your Bed