This digital School features 8 powerful teachings,and a PDF Student Manuel from Kevin Basconi including: #1-Introduction - Embracing Angelic Ministry - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #2 Part 2 - Jesus and Open Heavens - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #2-Christ Our Role Model - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #3 - The Holy Spirit - The Glory of God- & Spiritual Discernment - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #4 -Spiritual Discernment & The Law of Observation - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #5 - The invisible Realms-Heavenly Places-Developing a Hebraic Mindset - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #7 -The Character of God's angels and Co-laboring with Them- KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi #8-Evaluating Your Angelic Encounters - KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School -Kevin Basconi & Others Student Manuel KC Advanced School 16 Bonus Messages: Pastor Alan Koch-God's angels and Your Family and Understanding God's Hosts - Robert Ward -KC Angels Miracles Signs & Wonders School - Kevin Basconi Now on sale at 70% off for a limited time!