Revival ReportsDudley, England. Saturday, April 4, 2004
Lord has been doing great and mighty things in the UK. I was honored to lead a team of people from the Fresh Fire Ministry International Healing School into the streets of Dudley to preach the Gospel. Before the team made their way into the streets to prophesy over unbelievers, I released an impartation for the prophetic over them. Many were powerfully touched by Holy Spirit and went on to life changing times of ministry on High Street. In all, the team from many nations was blessed to lead 27 unbelievers to Jesus in just under three hours. We also saw many healings, including one man who had a partially deaf ear “popped” open right in the marketplace! During the last day of the conference, Todd Bentley called up his three intern/disciples and announced, to over 27 nations represented, that Fresh Fire Ministries was officially launching us into ministry. Todd told the large crowd, composed of mostly pastors that he believed in the call of God upon our lives, and added that he supported and endorsed each of our ministries and anointing. It was a great blessing to us all, and I feel a strong connection to Todd and the entire Fresh Fire team. We have formed a strong relationship. The first graduates from the “Jesus Road School” are Ryan Wyatt, Brian Lake and myself! Both Bryan and Ryan are powerfully anointed of God, and I believe that God will use them extensively for His Glory. King Of Glory’s First International Meetings The Lord opened a door for us to minister in London at Christ Church, Fulham. Michael Marcel had planned to have Kathy and I meet with a small cell group. However, when word got out that there would be prayer for healing and prophetic ministry the meeting grew rapidly. Over one hundred people hungry for a touch from God gathered Wednesday, April 8, at the church in the Fulham area of Greater London. I had planned to share a teaching that was given to me in Dudley after an angelic visitation March 30, 2004. That teaching is called "Breakfast with Elijah" and will be available in the near future! The Glory of the Lord fell upon me that night, and in vision after vision, I received this "divine download.” The Lord had other plans in mind, and Holy Spirit broke into the meeting at Christ Church, as I was sharing a brief testimony. As I prophesied over a few people, calling them out by name and through words of knowledge, God broke in! The Lord had given me several words of knowledge for healing and prophecy, and we began to minister to the sick. Many powerful healings were reported by those ministered to. One woman reported lumps dissolved from her breast. Several, who responded to a word about cancer, were powerfully touched by Holy Spirit and went down on the carpet under the power of the anointing. After the faith was higher, I called for those who had hearing impairment to come forward, and I guaranteed that Jesus was about to open their deaf ears! Several from this group of about eight testified to the congregation that they were indeed hearing better. Some indicated that they had heard a “pop,” as their ears were restored. There were dozens of healings reported by those present, and the anointing and power of Holy Spirit impacted and greatly affected many. I called out a word of knowledge for a woman named “Sharon” and told the audience that she was a sister and was most likely not in the meeting. After describing her by appearance, age, and describing her current struggles, a woman came up. She told me I might be speaking of her estranged twin sister. I prayed for this sister by proxy, and the power of God filled this woman named Robin. She came to the meeting Saturday night and told me that she had called her sister, (whom she had not talked to for over a year). Robin reported that her sister began to weep, as she shared the prophetic word I had given for her. Apparently the Lord had given me some information that only she and God could have known. The sister rededicated her life to Jesus over the phone from California! That gave us a total of three salvations for this first meeting! Praise God! One came from one third of the way around the world by phone! For with God nothing shall be impossible! Divine Appointments The Lord has put wonderful new friends into Kathy’s and my life. We felt a heart connection with Pastor Sam Onyenuforo and his beautiful wife, Grace, from the moment we met. Saturday night, April 10th, was the first of two meetings at Sam’s church, Oasis, in colliers Wood area of London. God had given me many words of knowledge, and I was sure that He was going to open deaf ears. The Pastor gave me total liberty to minister in Holy Spirit. Sam, and his co-pastor, Mark Abernethy, are both wonderful men of God, with pastors’ hearts from the Lord. It was an honor to minister there in the river, in the Oasis! I took the opportunity to give my testimony in great detail. We have recorded the testimony and are in the process of making it available as a resource for King Of Glory Ministries. This testimony has an impartation prayer on it for release into the supernatural and the “Go of the Gospel.” Many I have prayed for in this manner have actually experienced visitations of the Lord, and I believe that there is a deposit on the CDs and tapes to release those who listen into the realm of the seer gifting and heavenly visitations. When I had finished I gave an altar call, and we saw four decisions for Jesus. Later, I called out one of these people and prophesied over him. He began to weep and told me that he had come because a friend invited him and quietly confided that he was a heroin addict. As I prayed for him, a strong anointing washed over him. I believe that he was not only saved but delivered from addiction as well. The Lord has spoken to me that I would be used in this way! Praise God, here in England it is finally happening! I called several of the crowd of over one hundred out to release prophetic words over them. Many ended up in the floor in a heap of tears and anointing. It was wonderful to see Holy Spirit touching His children with such love and power. There was a tangible electricity and anticipation in the air! Deaf, Sick, And Lame Healed; Devils Cast Out After the altar call, I began to move in words of knowledge. Several responded when I called their conditions out, and soon the altar was littered with bodies. Many reported healing from emotional problems, tendonitis, back injuries, migraines, lumps in the breasts, and chemical imbalances in the brain. There were dozens of other healings reported as well. Again the Lord had released a powerful anointing. I had told the audience earlier that the Lord had promised that my healing angel would come, and when he did I was to pray for those with cancer. I told them the level of the healings was always much greater when this heavenly visitor attended the meetings. After about half an hour of ministry, I felt the presence of the healing angel, and the anointing began to course and burn through my left arm and hand. I called for those who had cancer to come forward, telling them that the angel was present. Immediately, the anointing went to a whole new level! About four with cancer lined up, and as I laid hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, they were smacked by the power of God! We are looking for documented testimonies of these healings. The level of faith surged higher, and I called for a 12-year-old girl from Ghana with a withered hand to come forward. As I anointed her right hand with oil, the power of God began to release fire into the hand. Her right hand was unable to move normally, and she needed to force the fingers open with her other hand. She could in no way open it by itself. During the prayer, Pastor Sam gave me oil, and as directed by Holy Spirit, I prayed and her hand began to “loose” in the mighty name of Jesus! After just a few minutes, she was able to move her hand normally with about 95% of the mobility restored! When the congregation saw this miracle, they gave Jesus a huge ovation, and the faith level soared! I called out a word of knowledge for partial deafness, and ten people came to the altar very quickly. I prayed for each one, and they went down under the anointing, as I cast out the deaf and dumb spirit. I interviewed each of them as they came to, and six of the ten reported that their hearing had substantially improved! One young lady, Lindsey, testified that her totally deaf left ear had popped open and that she was hearing in it for the first time in 26 years! Another man actually had a “substance” fly out of his right ear, as the deaf demon came out! We give God all the glory for what He has done! During the release of a wave of healing anointing, several began to manifest demons and were delivered by the ministry team. I believe that many lives were transformed as a result of the ministry in London. Certainly the 7 who gave their hearts to Jesus have escaped the horrors of eternal damnation! Communion Service/ Prophetic Word For The Oasis Easter Sunday morning the Oasis was packed with members and many who had come after hearing reports of the miracles and healings Jesus did in the previous two meetings. I released a strong prophetic word over Pastor Sam and Oasis Church, comparing the church to John 5 and the pool of Bethesda. Later Pastor Sam confirmed the word. He told me that Bill Prankard, Heidi Baker, and other recognized prophets had given the "same word" almost verbatim. I brought a message about the cross, the blood, and total salvation that the Lord Jesus purchased for us in full when He died upon the cross. The message contained the teaching of total salvation and the meaning of "Sozo" from Acts 2:21: "Whoever shall call upon the Lord shall be healed." It also spoke of the greatest gift ever given to mankind, the Cross of Calvary. I encouraged the congregation that Jesus wanted to confirm this teaching by divinely releasing healing during the partaking of the communion elements. I shared a little of what God had put upon my heart about "koinonia", or communion, with Holy Spirit. During the release of this word, the anointing of Holy Spirit began to manifest with heavy glory in the service. Several began to weep as the presence of Jesus fell upon them. Just before I turned the service over to Pastor Sam to conduct the communion, I gave an altar call for the unsaved. Five unbelievers made decisions to accept Jesus. There were dozens who made fresh rededications and confessions to serve Jesus for the rest of their lives. This brought the total of first time commitments to Jesus to 12! We do not know how many were physically healed while partaking in communion, but many were touched and emotionally healed and divinely ministered to by Holy Spirit. Several were unable to leave the sanctuary, weeping and having fallen upon the carpet under the sovereign move of Holy Spirit. At the conclusion of the service, I felt to allow Holy Spirit minister to His people, and He did. However, many asked for me to pray for them and release the healing anointing upon them. I did so, and the sanctuary was littered with bodies! Many received physical healing or prophetic words as Holy Spirit led the impartation service. King Of Glory Resources Available The communion service at the Oasis Church was truly powerful and anointed. We are making this concise teaching on the Cross, the Blood, and the Communion with Holy Spirit available to you. I believe that the anointing, which was released for healing during the communion service, is captured upon the recording. Perhaps, you could actually be healed while listening to this simple teaching on the "total package" Jesus bought and paid the price for on the Cross of Calvary. Also, as reported, my testimony, given at the Oasis Church, London England, will be available for a small donation. If you know someone, who is struggling with addiction, a copy of this CD could change his life! It contains the activation and impartation for the seer anointing. Several people have testified to having visitations of the Lord and the angelic after receiving this prayer in other meetings. There is also an altar call at the end, inviting the unsaved to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. To pre-order a copy of these CDs, "From the Gutter to Glory: The Testimony of Kevin Basconi," or "The Greatest Gift: Communion At the Oasis", please email us at: |