I highly recommend the ministry of Kevin Basconi. I commissioned Kevin and ordained him into the ministry as a Fresh Fire Itinerant Minister after he traveled with us through out the world. I know his life and character. Kevin has honored Fresh Fire Ministries by serving us, and the gift of God is evident in his life. Following my mantle, he has begun to launch out into crusade evangelism in Africa and South America. He carries a mantle like that of T. L. Osborne.

If you would like to have the type of anointing like I carry in your church or conference, you can invite Kevin. He moves in a high level of the word of knowledge, healing, and prophecy.

Todd Bentley

Fresh Fire Ministries, Abbotsford, BC



Kevin and Kathy Basconi are committed believers and passionate servants who carry a spirit of revival and harvest within their hearts. Matthew 10:8 so describes their ministry, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."

I bless their labours for the King!

Patricia King

Extreme Prophetic, Kelowna, BC



I've ministered with Kevin and have personally witnessed the level of radical faith this man of God possesses. His heart and hunger for the supernatural and for the fullness of the presence and power of God will deeply impact those he ministers to.

The lost are being saved, the sick healed and the oppressed set free through the anointing on Kevin's life and ministry. He is a great blessing not only to the church but to the world.

Matt Sorger

Matt Sorger Ministries, Selden, New York



Carol and I highly endorse and recommend the ministry of Kevin and Kathy Basconi. It has not only been our privilege to have received ministry from them, but we have also ministered along side of them on many occasions. We have been their pastors since 2003 and have seen the anointing of God that rests upon King of Glory Ministries International first hand. They have been a real blessing in many areas of our church.

The Lord has anointed Kevin and Kathy with a unique ability to teach, and a special aptitude to train and impart to others the gifts of miracles and healings. We have experienced bonafide, and documented miracles, and healings at Christ Triumphant Church as they have prayed for the sick. Many of our congregation are now moving at a greater level of the anointing for ministering healing and miracles as a result of their ministry, and impartations at Christ Triumphant Church.

The Basconi's have a very high level of integrity, and have always been in total submission to local leadership. Kevin and Kathy have been a great blessing to our ministry and we can whole heartily recommend King of Glory Ministries International to minister in your church or conference meetings. If you have any questions please contact me at .

2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

Pastor Alan & Carol Koch

Christ Triumphant Church, Lee's Summit MO.