Life Christian Center 1650 E. Langsford Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Kansas City
Seers Gathering
& Miracle Meetings
Kevin is very excited to be returning to the Kansas City area for the first time in three years! We hope that our friends will come out and join us for the
Kansas City Seers Gathering & Miracle Meetings!
Services are scheduled to be held at
Life Christian Center
1650 East Langsford Road
Lee's Summit, Mo 64063
Thursday October 24th
Friday October 25th
2pm & 7pm
Saturday October - 26th
10am, 2pm, 7pm
Kevin will be teaching materials from
The King of Glory Ministries International
School of the Seers
And The Supernatural
And from his three best selling Seer Book Trilogy!
Come and learn to discern and "see" at a greater level.
See what must take place after this!
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10 - 11 - 19
Kevin Basconi
& Julie Meyer
Julie and Walt Meyer
Mat Garret Reames
Life Christian Center
1650 East Langsford Road