New Venue - See Below! Moravian Falls, NC
This event is now sold out!
Please note - NEW VENUE
We have changed the venue of the school to accommodate a few more attendees and be in a more convenient location for everyone. The new location is The Hampton Inn, Wilkesboro. For a map and directions follow this link:
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email or you can call us at 1-832-320-3502 if it is more urgent.
This event is designed to release and equip the people of God to move and minister in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ, untill we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, and are transformed into the fullness and very image of Christ.
Kevin and Kathy Basconi are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. They co-founded King of Glory Ministries International. They have a heart to share the gospel with the poor and, the Love of the Father to widows and orphans. They have visited 31 nations preaching the gospel and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in churches, conferences, and crusade meetings. The ministry is punctuated by many miracles, healings, and signs & wonders that confirm the Word of God. Kevin is an internationally published author. He has written several books including the trilogy; The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today. He will be sharing from all three books of this trilogy, at this conference. This book depicts Heaven and the elements of the glory realm as Kevin recorded it during a prolonged season of heavenly visits! They live in the mountains of where they pursue a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus.
Kevin & Kathy will be teaching in depth from the material from the trilogy of books
"The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today"
This school will be limited to 60 participants; This will allow for lots of one on one interaction, and plenty of time for time for individual ministry and questions and answers.
Kevin will teach on these subjects:
Angels and the Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Understanding and Activating the Seer Anointing in your life
Angels That Serve ? Understanding how you can co-labor with God?s angelic hosts.
Christ Our Role Model
Jesus and Open Heavens
The Holy Spirit and Open Heavens
Maintaining Open Heavens Over Your Life
Evaluating Angelic Encounters
Preparing Your Heart for the Priesthood of All Believers
Anointed to Reign As Priests And Prophets According To The Order Of Melchizedek
Your Role As A Royal Priest After The Order Of Melchizedek
Hosting the Glory of God & Transformation glory
July 18,19,20,21, 2013.
Thursday, July 18th- Registration begins at 5:00pm, First session at 7pm
Friday, July 19th, - 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 7pm
Saturday, July 20th, - 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 7pm
Sunday, July 21st, - 10am, 1pm, 3pm,
6pm Impartation Meeting
NEW Venue:
Hampton Inn
1300 Collegiate Drive
Wilkesboro, North Carolina, 28697
TEL: 1-336-838-5000
MAP: click
$100 Per married couple - $75 Per individual
Hotels and accommodations:
Holiday Inn Express Conference Center (Near Moravian Falls)
NOW FULL/SOLD OUT - Please use Other Hotel!!! Addison Inn
1700 Winkler Street,
Wilkesboro, NC 28654
Hampton Inn
1300 Collegiate Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28654
Speak with Gloria or Margo and ask for King of Glory Ministries
Addison Inn
1842 Winkler Street,
Wilkesboro, NC 28654
*(Ask for the King of Glory discount to get 20% off your room).
Registration: This event is now sold out!
For more information call: