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Kevin and Kathy Basconi have been used by the Lord to lead thousands to Christ and demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven with miracles, signs, and wonders. Kevin was instantly delivered from a lifestyle of drug addiction and sin with no withdrawal symptoms. Immediately, he began to preach the Gospel in the streets and parks of his city to anyone who would listen. He has a heart to reach the youth of this generation and the lost throughout the world. Kevin and Kathy have been obedient to travel wherever the Lord has led them as "faith missionaries”.

Immediately after his salvation, Kevin began to experience powerful visitations of Holy Spirit. During those precious times, the presence and fragrance of the Lord would invade his time and space. He was motivated and inspired by these supernatural phenomena. He began a radical search of the Gospels with fasting and praying for long periods of time. Kevin began to implore Jesus to reveal Himself. On the night of March 13, 2001, Kevin experienced a visitation of the Lord which forever changed his life and launched him into this international ministry. The Lord gave Kevin specific direction for his life and future.

After his initial encounter,Kevin began to walk in the supernatural favor of God and experience miracles on a daily basis. True to His word, the Lord began to open the door for Kevin to travel around the world to preach the Gospel. In November of 2001, while in Newfoundland, Canada, Kevin had yet another encounter with Jesus like that in Acts 9:3.

Kevin was under the power of God for an extended period of time. The Lord Jesus Christ gave him the mandate and commission of Matthew 28:18-20. For weeks after this encounter, Kevin walked in the glory and abiding presence of Holy Spirit. The anointing for the miraculous immediately began operating in his life and in his healing ministry. Since that time, great grace and favor have been upon Kevin. He has traveled internationally to over fifty countries and throughout North America, proclaiming the truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus and answering the commission of Christ.

 For more information about Kevin’s spiritual encounters, read his testimony “From the Gutter to Glory” posted on our Online Resource Center.

Kevin and Kathy minister in a powerful, prophetic anointing, moving in words of knowledge with great accuracy. God confirms His word with many powerful healings and miracles.  Kevin and Kathy minister in an inoffensive manner that carries the love of Jesus to the hurting of the world. Kevin traveled with Todd Bentley and Fresh Fire Ministries periodically for three years and was ordained by Fresh Fire in April 2004. He has also served as a minister at Infirmity Prayer Service for years, praying for the sick in his hometown of Bluefield, West Virginia.

Today Kevin and his beautiful wife, Kathy, make their home in Kansas City, Missouri. There they pursue a lifestyle of prayer and intimacy with Jesus from which they minister in the love of Christ. They are active members of Christ Triumphant Church in Lees’ Summit, Missouri, and work closely with their Pastors Alan and Carol Koch.


Kevin has often been quoted:

   "I believe that my testimony is a prophetic sign for this generation, this time, and for such a time as this. God is raising up the most unlikely people, cleaning them up out of gross sin, to preach the Gospel with a demonstration of His power. It is the hour of Joel 2. There is not much time and the Lord is doing a quick work. It is not about me; it is all about Jesus! It is all about the lost and dying of this world and the great commission of Jesus Christ and the harvest. We give all the glory to God for the things that are happening in our lives and ministry."


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