Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today

on October 19 - 22, 2005
at Christ Triumphant Church
Lee's Summit (near Kansas City) Missouri

What is "Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders Today" School?

The course was produced by Todd Bentley and Freshfire Ministries () to provide foundational teaching around the world in these important areas.  Today, if you want to travel on missions with Todd Bentley and the Freshfire team to crusades and mission trips around the world, you must first have completed this School.

This training school is great for pastors, evangelists, ministries, hungry saints and those who want to move in a greater dimension of healing.

This school is also a great time of preparation for individuals who need healing and want to sit under powerful teaching. This school was

Practical examples of how to receive and maintain your healing, how to overcome hindrances to healing, building your faith and understanding of the function of miracles will also be taught.

School Speaker
Kevin Basconi - King of Glory Ministries International.  Kevin is one of Todd Bentley's associate ministers & has travelled around the world as part of his ministry team.

School Organiser
King of Glory Ministries International

School Topics Schedule Registration & Cost Contact Us Travel Details About Kevin